The Library of the Future - Solr Search and Responsive Design for Multnomah County Library
The Multnomah County Library is the second largest public library in the U.S. by circulation. We are second only to the New York Public Library system. We move more books, music, movies (and more) per patron than anyone.
This February we launched a major redesign of the Library's website along with a new social search front end with BiblioCommons. Unlike most Library websites, we've used BiblioCommons API combined with a site search powered by Apache Solr to build a unified search experience. Search on Twilight and we'll not only show you our collection of Twilight DVDs and books, but we'll also show you our Twilight inspired events and blogs posts from Librarians that will connect the dots about the importance of vampire stories in popular culture.
Mobile now represents over 20% of the traffic to the Library's site. With a new responsive design and a focus on mobile first content. We've built an engine of discovery that you can reach on the go.
Join Joshua Mitchell, Enterprise and Web Applications Manager at Multnomah County, and his team as they walk you through this monumental achievement.
Would love to see this session!
OMG, libraries and Drupal? Sign me up!
I think having this kind of robust example of a local case study would be fantastic. (And I agree with kronda, libraries and Drupal! Woo!)