Drupal Performance for the Rest of Us
The Drupal universe is replete with recommendations and guides on how to scale and tune mammoth Drupal installations. While there are some resources covering basic Drupal caching, there is a surprising dearth of information on how to fine-tune the performance of your small-to-medium sized Drupal site.
This session is aimed at those who want to maximize the performance of their Drupal installation, but due to the realities of limited client or employer resources, are unable to deploy the reverse proxies and dedicated in-memory cache solutions touted for very large Drupal installations.
Questions Answered
- What is caching and what does Drupal cache out of the box?
- What tools/modules are available to improve Drupal performance?
- How do you know which tools/modules to use and when to use them?
- What type of benefit do these tools/modules give and how effective are they?
I saw this session at BADCamp, and while it is very accessible to "the rest of us", I definitely learned a few things from it. I recommend it to anyone who expects to run a high traffic site.