Attack of the Clones: Build your favorite site in 48 Hours with Drupal
Disclaimer: The idea for this presentation is strongly inspired by the following:
- a presentation made in 2008 by Lullabot, entitled "Build it with Drupal." video link:
- a Blog post by Web Jackalope entitled "16 Different Clones you can Build with Drupal"link:
The mission: Build a web application in Drupal in 48 hours or less.
The people: Two site builders. One Dev and one Themer.
The process: Two weeks before Drupalcon, an email with a poll will be sent out to drupalcon attendees. Recipients are asked to name a popular website (or web app) that they would like to see built in 48 hours, using Drupal.
Whatever you would like to see reverse-engineered using the Drupal CMS. Some possible suggestions might be:
- Build Facebook in 48 hours using Drupal
- Build Yelp in 48 hours using Drupal
- Build Salesforce in 48 hours using Drupal
The two presenters (myself and a themer/designer to be named) ... upon naming the winning site, will spend no more than 48 hours of their spare time over the next two weeks building out our version of the site using Drupal core + contrib modules only (no custom modules allowed, with the exception of overrides).
During our presentation at drupalcon, we will share the following:
- An outline of our methodology (how we approached the project)
- What modules we chose to use and why
- What stumped us, and how we dealt with it
- The easy parts and the tools that made them easy
- What we would do differently if we had more time
And finally, we will open up the floor and ask you, the audience to participate and share with us the following:
- Grade us on how we did.
- Tell us how you would have done it differently
- Anything you might have learned, or any other comments.
I have slides available for this presentation, but they need updating. I will submit these shortly.
This is an interesting concept.