Content Strategy - the RPG
Click here to watch Content Strategy - the RPG.
In this super fun and stimulating talk, Relly Annett-Baker will run you through all the basic skills and tools for practical Content Strategy by building a character from Level 1 Intern Of Trembling to Content Strategy Epic Hero (and beyond). You'll learn about researching, planning, executing and overseeing content and how that works as part of a multidisciplinary team. There will be level grinding, a raging orc from accounting, a Power Rangers cameo, and a baby unicorn just for attending.
Drag along your whole team and dig the roleplaying game that all the kids want to be a part of - Content Strategy!
Relly is always one of the best speakers at the content strategy conferences. If you want to know how UX design and content strategy can make your projects substantially more awesome and effective, she is the person you want to listen to.
Really looking forward to this session. Hope it will be accepted!
Great job! I'm showing this to my staff the moment I get home! :))))))))