Build a great nonprofit site in a week with Open Outreach
Do nonprofits need to spend tens of thousands of dollars and months of custom development to get the basics they need in a website?
Not any more.
Find out how to use the Open Outreach distribution to build feature-rich and beautiful nonprofit websites in a week.
The leading Drupal distribution for nonprofits, Open Outreach powers hundreds of sites and bundles features like events, mapping, and social media, and comes with built-in contact engagement using the RedHen CRM. Open Outreach 2.x - planned for release at DrupalCon Portland - brings a lot of great flexibility and design enhancements via the Panopoly base distribution.
Open Outreach with a bit of tweaking may be everything you need. Equally, for more specialized sites, it can be a solid base for further custom development.
In this session we'll go day by day through your one week site build, from planning and discovery in Day 1 through to launch on Day 7. Get tips along the way on how to:
- Select the right features to match an organization's needs. We'll cover several site recipes for organizations such as environmental groups and membership-based organizations.
- Configure Open Outreach to meet a particular organization's needs.
- Lightly tweak a site's look and feel, both at the theme level and the homepage.
- Train staff or volunteers in posting content.
We'll also cover extras like:
- How to upgrade quickly by moving an existing Drupal 5 or 6 site to Open Outreach on Drupal 7.
- How to customize your site while staying on the distribution's upgrade path.
- How larger organizations can leverage Open Outreach for networks of sites.
- How to enhance and customize the Open Outreach training materials.
This workshop-style session will leave plenty of room for questions and discussion, including priorities for new features and how you can get involved and make Open Outreach even better.
I've been using OpenOutreach for about a year and have used it to build several websites for non-profit organizations. Since most of these projects are gratis or for very little money, I needed a way to build a super-effective site for these organizations that wouldn't take a lot of my time and would be easy to hand over to the non-techie organization members to maintain. OpenOutreach is the way to do that and it keeps getting better, now with RedHen CRM! Nedjo has been extraordinarily helpful in getting past the few snags I've hit along the way. I wish OpenOutreach had offered this program at the recent San Diego SANDCamp - you folks in the Portland area lucked out!
I use Open Outreach for all my general site-builds now. There is nothing more depressing than spending a week installing admin menu and wsysiwig and all the other basic infrastructure.
However, Open Outreach has another layer, of rich and super relevant content types and views etc. Again, another layer of valued added.
Thirdly, and uniquely, Open Outreach has the RedhenCRM integrated into this overall rich and relevant architecture.
Now with the Panopoly merge Open Outreach will effectively become a de-facto standard for site building.
This session is a moment of Drupal history.
If you are a site-builder use Open Outreach and save a week of clicking on each site. If you are a developer, focus on innovating on top of Open Outreach. If you are a end-user, insist on Open Outreach and ensure a minimal viable product with a micro budget. Then use the surplus to add value, build custom views, add content, design etc etc
Very excited about the prospects of the 2.x branch. Been using 1.x and has great potential for non-profits. Used with civicrm, rather than RedHen since civicrm is a perfect match for non-profits, but imagine RedHen native entity support is also powerful. OO has great potential and I hope it continues the momentum.