Platform is Prologue: Fueling Innovation and Mobile on
Your platform is built and you don’t have time/budget for a full responsive redesign. Learn how retrofit for mobile using current budget and development cycles without a traditional redesign. See how they’re applying those lessons learned to implement a continuous development stategy.
“We're adopting a method of continuous design and development that's allows us to be constantly making incremental improvements that can seamlessly lead to big change.”
- Rob Roberts, Director of Digital Strategies has seen a 328% increase in unique visitors since their Drupal platform launched in May 2010. Also five additional offices have come onboard demanding adaptable content strategies for mobile users. In short, is constantly growing and must never stop innovating.
How did The Department of Energy do it while maintaining the quality and consistency of a high-performing, award-winning platform? A panel consisting of The Department of Energy’s Digital Strategies team and Phase2 will take you through their agile-inspired approach to fueling on-going innovation, and how they used it to tackle responsive design.
After seeing presentation at DC Denver on, it will be really cool to see the follow up on how the platform has evolved.
I would love to see another presentation on a major US Government website.
Also joining us from the DOE will be and