Build your own Kickstarter with Amazon FPS
With the rise of crowdfunding sites and online marketplaces, the very concept of eccomerce is evolving. This has opened doors for startups and entrepreneurs, while creating endless opportunities to bring people together on the web in the name of commerce.
Up until recently, building a split-payment system has necessitated all but owning your own bank. However, new tools are emerging that are leveling the playing field and bringing split-payment to the masses. One such tool is Amazon Flexible Payments Service (FPS). Extending ecommerce with Amazon FPS allows you, the site owner to take a portion of any transaction completed on your site.
In this session we'll examine all that Amazon FPS has to offer Drupal developers. The opportunities, the hurdles, and our own experiences integrating the split payment service for clients.
Topics that we'll cover include:
Using FPS as a marketplace
Using FPS for crowdfunding
Integrating with Drupal Commerce
Getting your users registered / authorized
What to do if you need to split payments to 2+ parties
How to set rates across sellers
Limitations for taxes and shipping
Legal considerations
Amazon's fees
I love everything about this session. Yes please!
I like the idea of integration of this payment system with DC, especially for use on a S.A.S. model of website. This is definitely on my "watch list".
Sounds like a pretty important topic, I'd definitely check this out if it gets accepted.
I am very interested in FPS for distro marketplaces and always ++ for integration talks