Managing Responsive Web Design with Sass and Breakpoint
Click here to watch Managing Responsive Web Design with Sass and Breakpoint.
Writing css for responsive web design can get out of control quickly. Write some media queries for your layouts, some more for your menus, and even more to catch all the little details in a well-crafted design and they really add up.
I created a Sass extension called Breakpoint that lets you boil your media queries to their essential properties, and to give each one a meaningful name. This helps you write your styles more quickly, while also creating more maintainable and future-proof code. I'll demonstrate why this is needed and how it's become indespensible in my RWD toolset.
Sounds like a great session!
nice, i'm going to either this one or :)
Doing mostly backend development, over time I've shied away from front end development. Mason as a coding designer has made me more interested in bridging those. One of the things I like about Sass is how reusable style rules can help the process become really simplified and more logical. But one of the questions I've had is how to keep it all manageable - media queries for example. A tool to help with that sounds like something I'd like to hear about.
Sounds like a good session.
Snugug is very knowledgable in what he does. He has very good ideas and is able to break things down for all levels. Having said that, he's quite possibly the most annoying egotistical presenter I've come across. He's always pulling the ruler out if he's presenting with another colleague. If he calmed down on trying to one up people, everyone could get much more out of his sessions.