So Happy Together (Content Strategists and Project Managers are)
Click here to watch So Happy Together (Content Strategists and Project Managers are).
One theme I keep coming back to as a project manager building open source content management systems for higher ed is how much I appreciate the rapidly emerging discipline of content strategy. Ironically, after more than ten years building CMS driven websites, there is one thing I wish people were more aware of: content matters. Sounds silly right? After all, the ‘C’ in ‘CMS’ stands for, well, content. However, project stakeholders are often so wrapped up worrying about technical risks or marveling over new designs that content can nearly be forgotten or worse…Treated as an unimportant ‘detail’ to be figured out later.
In this session we'll take a look at tools of the trade in content planning and strategy, discuss when and how to integrate content strategists and some of the consequences of ignoring this important aspect of designing and building new web properties.
This session will be based, in part, upon a story I wrote for the CMS Myth:
Great session. Learned a lot about the big picture process of content management.
Very helpful session--the presenter laid out the not-always-clear relationship of content strategy to eventual project success, pointed out potential pitfalls for newcomers to the content-strategy process, and provided concrete tools for doing it right.