Submitted by TrevorBradley on
I've been planning on developing a new genealogy module for Drupal, and why not start with Drupal 8?
Software for recording your genealogy already exists both online and as desktop applications, but in every instance I've seen it either isn't open source, is very cumbersome to enter data, or produces websites that are ugly and difficult to nagivate through. Far from being a clear digital tree - genealogical data is often a fuzzy patchwork of multiple, sometimes conflicting sources. How the data is stored, edited, and displayed are each unique problems that need clever solutions.
I've researched my own family tree extensively, built my own genealogy software for building websites 15 years ago before the days of content management systems, and my wife has a certificate in Genealogical Studies from the University of Toronto, so I hope to bring a fresh perspective on the problem.
I'm keen on meeting up with people either interested in genealogy or keen on tackling a complex data modelling problem.