Behavior Driven Development with Behat and Mink
Behat testing is a new method of testing for functionality. Unlike normal test driven development, it takes nontechnical statements such as “Given I am on the homepage, When click on ‘About us’, Then I should see 'Our Story'.” The tests focus on business value and help communicate the core application priorities and expectations to the developer. Tests are broken down by feature and can be used as part of a Continuous Integration scheme. We'll also be covering the drupal behat project which adds Drupal specific functionality to the party. Behat can then run Selenium tests, or even those sexy new javascript based browser testting platforms. Behat is being actively used by several heavyweights in the PHP community and its time to get the Drupal community on the wagon.
Commerce Guys are also adopting these technologies and it's like magic. Please put this topic in front of the wider audience. +1