Backbone.js and Drupal - Blurring the Lines Between Client and Server
Drupal and Backbone.js is a powerful combination, creating a seamless web experience for end users. Backbone.js makes it easy to create powerful applications that blur the lines between the Client and the Server, creating one of the best user experiences.
Backbone.js is a light weight MV* Javascript frame work that makes it easy to create seamless and fluid user experiences, as well as easy communication between the client and the server without interrupting the user. The Backbone.js framework makes it easy to create and manage Single Page Applications (SAP).
Backbone.js is now a part of Drupal 8 core, largely to support the next generation content editing initiatives as well as modern user experiences.
We'll talk about
-- The current state of backbone.js integration with Drupal.
-- Using the Drupal 7 Backbone.js module.
-- On-going and potential API integrations with Entity, Field, Views, Rules, Services, and RESTful Web Services.
-- Similarities, conflicts and integrations with Drupal 7 "AJAX" and Form APIs
-- Concerns about SEO, Accessibility and Semantic Web
-- Comparisons with Drupal/iOS and Drupal/Android development
-- Security, validation and who's responsible for what
We'll be presenting a working mobile point of sale SPA using Drupal Commerce and RESTWS modules for demonstation.
Looking forward to this!