Adept Application of SASS & LESS

This session will focus on how to use CSS Preprocessors best by focusing on the methodology, organization, and specific features used in the front end development of Drupal Themes. It doesn't matter if you're using SASS or LESS CSS as both have given us many new tools to use from the simple to the complex: nesting, variables, mixins, and functions. An entire session could be dedicated to just how best to use variables in our styles. This session isn't going to go over setting up your environment, the syntax, or any of the technicalities. Instead this will focus on the organization, selection, and execution of these new tools when used in the context of theming Drupal.

Major Topics

  • Variable Setup & Use, with attention towards scoped & global variables
  • Setting up beneficial, effective mixins (besides the standard I-don't-want-to-write-vendor-prefixes-for-CSS3-mixins)
  • Nesting like a boss without going selector length crazy
  • A quick overview of how File Organization can't help us stay sane
  • Tight & Light IE & Media Query Overrides for that Responsive Goodness
  • Bonus technical micro-topic: Getting your line numbers & file names back into the Web Inspector (LESS & SASS)

Damn I wish I used CSS Preprocessors earlier! Every Front End Web Developer

Schedule info
Session Info
Experience level: 