Coder review
I developed Coder to help developers write better code. I presented Coder at OSCMS Sunnyvale, DrupalCon Barcelona, Szeged, and Boston. It's been almost five years since my last Coder presentation and there are many Coder improvements and many new Drupal developers.
This session will introduce new developers to Coder and re-introduce others to the many new Coder features. I will talk about the drush command line options and git integration, which are powerful but not well known. I will demonstrate the coder ignore system, which is also not well known. I will also talk about PHP Code Sniffer integration.
I would like to talk about writing good code. I have a lot of experience here. I review a lot of code in my job. I've worked with some great developers. And I write a regular column focused on writing better code: Drupl'Art for the Drupal Watchdog magazine.
Lastly I would like to talk about future directions, and solicit volunteers to help write upgrade reviews. We'll likely need a BoF to discuss if we use coder_upgrade or coder_review for this, and then start work on it.
I would love to hear Doug talking about this.
Yay automated code review/improvements!