Creating HTML5 Mobile Apps with Panopoly and the EXT JS library for Complex Enterprise Web Portals and Dashboards
The Panopoly distro takes the Panels functionality of Drupal 7 to a new level, with more than two dozen default layout templates to choose from, drag-and-drop layout editing, and much, much more. In addition, Panopoly now comes with a Responsive Bartik theme that provides HTML5 page displays that work well for mobile web apps created with Drupal.
Demo: This basic HTML5 mobile app functionality is demonstrated in the online web site: The Need For Truth, that was created for the 2012 US Election.
In a desktop or landscape tablet layout, this site displays with a standard Drupal layout with a Login sidebar to the left, a Content area in the center, and a Site Outline for Navigation sidebar at the right. However, for a phone or tablet in portrait mode, the HTML5 pages automatically adjust to a vertical stack of Menu Tabs , followed the Site Outline at the very bottom of the page.
This HTML5 functionality of Panopoly can be taken much further by using the very powerful and robust EXT JavaScript library, in addition to, or instead of, the default jQuery library, for JavaScript. EXT JS is an open source project, that has many complex data Widgets and Multi-Component UI templates for easily creating powerful Enterprise-level data Dashboards and Web Portals
The EXT JS components also allow very powerful two-way Data Binding that is easy to implement.
In addition, the Sencha MVC Application architecture that is built on top of the EXT JS system, to provide Model / View / Controller application layout at the browser level.
Mike brings a wealth of experience and a unique perspective to Drupal. He's been involved in music, dance, science, academia, and civic activism. He knows a useful tool when he sees one, and I think this session will be quite interesting.