CRM the Drupal Way

Drupal is a great web application framework and CMS. Integration with 3rd party CRMs can be hard to build and maintain. Can Drupal handle both for small and mid-size organizations?

Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) systems are a critical component for many organizations. They can help:

  • Manage members and donors, including donations and membership dues
  • Track engagements and tailor a visitors experience based on their engagement level.
  • Maintain connections between individuals and organizations
  • Handle event registration
  • Serve as the foundation for any number of applications with contacts at their core including sales pipeline, marketing automation, and association management tools.

There are some amazing open source CRMs, like CiviCRM and SugarCRM, and the commercial space is filled with giants like Salesforce and niche players like Capsule. Integrating 3rd party systems is complicated, expensive, and potentially fragile. What Drupal needs is a flexible and powerful set of building blocks to build native CRM solutions. RedHen is ThinkShout’s solution to this challenge.

This talk will explore the ins and outs of building a CRM offering with Drupal, what RedHen does and how it works, compare and contrast similar Drupal projects such as Party and CRM Core, and discuss how it’s being used in the wild.

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Coding + Development
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