CSS3: Now and in the Future

CSS continues to develop and with the advent of CSS3 there are some exciting things that are available to designers and developers in the Drupal world. In this session you will learn about new selectors - attribute, UI, structural and target - that you an use to grab anything for styling. You will learn techniques for implementing new CSS3 modules like rounded corners, opacity, text shadow, multiple backgrounds, gradients, @font-face, multi-column text, flexible box model, transitions & transformations, blending mode & filter effects & regions. We will cover Drupal modules that you can use to ensure your styles and layouts are as consistent as possible in all browsers - or gracefully degrade when needed. You will also leave with an arsenal of debugging tools that can help you build and maintain a modern Drupal site.

NOTE: The slides uploaded below are from an older presentation that will be updated and expanded for Drupalcon,

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Session Info
Experience level: 