Dojo Toolkit and Drupal: Data Visualization taken to the next level

When it comes to data visualization, few toolkits match what you can do with the Dojo Toolkit. Infinite scrolling grids. Data-enabled geographic charts. Scenario planning. Interactive seating charts. Gannt charts. Multi-view calendars, drag-and-drop scheduling. Tree maps. Custom widgets you can write to combine many of these in a single templated element. Hierarchical checkboxes. And much more.

Dojo Toolkit is like JQuery UI on steroids, with a much more consistent usage pattern, far more available, and all talking to browser-based data stores -- which means your widgets can interact with each other in the browser, before saving anything to the server.

In addition, Dojo Toolkit has its own MVC frameworks (2 of them), support for running in node.js, and mobile/touchscreen support with built-in Blackberry, iOS, and Android themes.

Dojo shares one significant thing with Drupal: its learning curve. It has its own conventions, its own patterns you need to learn to get productive. This talk will introduce both how to get started using Dojo, and how to integrate it with Drupal.

Combined with a Drupal back end, Dojo can provide a really great set of interactive tools for your users.

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