Drupal 7 Multisite Solutions

Drupals multi-site capabilities are among its strongest features built into core. There are a number of ways to implement a multi-site solution in Drupal, given the platform’s flexibility and extensibility. The problem for first time multi-site developers is knowing which solution to choose for a project and how to correctly implement it. Choosing the wrong solution or implementing one incorrectly can be costly and time-consuming.

In this session we will talk about common multi-site solutions for Drupal 7. We will go over the differences between each solution,each solutions strengths and weaknesses, configurations and common pitfalls. The session will also identify development situations each solution is best suited for and how to implement in Drupal 7.

The three solutions this session will focus on are:

  • One codebase - One Database (a.k.a the domain access or groups method)
  • One codebase - Many Databases (a.k.a Drupal native multi-site)
  • One codebase - Shared Database (a.k.a the last-resort method)

This session is aimed at developers who are familiar with developing in Drupal 7, but who are new to implementing multi-sites in the platform. By the end of the session, attendees should walk away with an understanding of the different multi-site solutions available in Drupal 7, how to identify which solution to use for a project and possess the skills needed to correctly implement each one.

Schedule info
Session Info
Site Building
Experience level: 