Drupal and Facebook: How to Make it Work

Drupal and Facebook may not be two peas in a pod, but with a little cajoling, you can get them to play happily together for your nonprofit.

In this session, we will examine when to use social features on your Drupal site, whether to build a native Facebook application, and how to make life easier on your end users. We'll sprinkle some mobile browsing optimization for good measure.

We will cover simple Facebook-Drupal integration (blog commenting) to more advanced Facebook applications that also allow people to login with Facebook or Drupal logins outside Facebook. In addition, we will also discuss how to ensure that your social users also make it in to your email database.

This will be mostly a nontechnical session with many concrete examples and a speaker who can talk about the mechanics of implementing too.

Schedule info
Session Info
Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Experience level: 