Drupal gets its App Store

Drupal Commerce merchants now have the power of building and extending their Drupal site without any technical knowledge whatsoever. They can browse a Marketplace, choose the modules and services they need, and simply click “Install” or “Sign up”.

How did Drupal make this leap and finally offer a complete “App Store” experience, with a commercial model to support it? Commerce Guys Augustin Delaporte and Bojan Zivanovic take you on a deep technical dive into Commerce Marketplace.

Topics covered:

    Why did we build a marketplace, and what can you get there?
  • Make it easy for merchants to extend their online store
  • Provide a better UX/UI for end-users to build sites
  • Introduce our technical partners to a wider market
  • Have a direct relationship with merchants using Drupal Commerce
  • Have the ability to form commercial packages that are interesting for merchants
    What are the challenges of finding, deploying, configuring, and managing code from a marketplace?
  • Discovery: how the end user can search for solutions from within Drupal, including modules, services, learning resources, and events.
  • Authentication: installing code and paying for services is serious business. Who is allowed to do what, and how are these permissions managed technically?
  • Installation of code: grabbing code from the internet and installing it into your website presents many challenges, including security.
  • Dependency resolution: installing modules is fine, but what if they depend on other modules or libraries?
  • Configuration (including interaction with 3rd party systems): sometimes getting the module is only half the story. Connecting it to external services is also managed.
  • Upgrades: what responsibilities do the distribution and marketplace assume in terms of keeping your code up to date?
  • Payments: The Marketplace offers the end user access to 3rd party services both as a referrer and a reseller. Learn how payments are handled in both of these cases.
Schedule info
Session Info
Coding + Development
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I've seen first hand how useful this is going to be in helping people get the right modules, services & the best support possible... can't wait to see this session!! Please pick it :D

This is the session that I care most about out of all the submissions. The topics in this session are new both technically and from a business point of view. The materials that Augustin and Bojan are going to present are a direct evolution and descendent of every talk about Features, Apps, App Stores, and simplifying the process of site building.

Every big or ambitious Drupal company is building Distributions, but they're all missing a Marketplace. This is the missing ingredient to igniting the whole model, and two extremely smart and experienced guys are here to show exactly how it is being done at Commerce Guys.

This one has my full support.

I second robertDouglass's opinion on this one, it should be a great talk.

Great commerce implementation that could be taken as base for many other business models that need an app store or built in extensions inside their systems.

Having witnessed the superb Commerce Kickstart I have no doubt Commerce Marketplace will be a significant leap forward for the Drupal project. The aspects Robert describe address many of the needs of organisations seeking a feature rich 'App Store' within Drupal. Drupal is being held back in enterprise deployments by the absence of such an environment. I strongly support this session proposal and trust the track chairs appreciate the importance raising the awareness of this initiative represents for Drupal's future growth.

Marketplace is growing every day. It's shaping up to become the tool for Drupalistas to easily link to tech services of all kinds. Plus, GuGuss and bojanz are awesome.

I am always interested to learn more about Drupal and Commerce, and bringing them together for mobile applications. This sounds like a whole other level of opportunity, sounds great.

Drupal App Store BoF DrupalCamp London 2013... We just had a BoF at DrupalCamp London 2013 on the "Drupal App Store" after the subject was brought up by Robert Douglass in his keynote. See http://groups.drupal.org/node/286343