Drupal + PAAS = Drupal App

While "cloud" may be a nifty new buzzword, the reality is not quite so simple. There are many ways and methods for service Drupal sites "in the cloud". In this session, we will look at several PAAS offerings, how they work, and even how to set up Drupal in a site.

We will compare and contrast:
- Pantheon
- Acquia Dev
- Appfog
- Orchestra PHP
- Openshift

They all have different pricing structures and feature sets, but all are really just convenient front ends to host your Drupal (or other PHP site) in the cloud. Most also require some type of external file storage (like S3)

For fun, we will also create a hosted Drupal site on Openshift, so sign up for a free Openshift account and follow along in the session.

This session is designed for intermediate users that have basic knowledge of :
- Git
- Devops in general

NOTE: PAAS means Platform as a service

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