Drupal, Solr, and When Governments Collaborate to Reduce Landfill Waste

Learn how 5 San Francisco Bay area government agencies came together to launch a Drupal 7 and Solr Search powered search tool for residents and businesses to learn how to correctly dispose of things. This unusual collaboration resulted in a simple search tool (RecycleWhere.org) with a complicated architecture that understands where visitors are and provides them with the best solution for getting rid of stuff whether its throwing it in a recycle bin or a nearby Goodwill. The site includes thousands of products, vendors, and instructions about what to do where you are.

During this session we will walk through our approach to the problem, the complications we ran into, and some really amazing solutions that came out as a result. Specifically, we will talk about the importance of a well designed user interface for administrators, particular in situations where significant data entry is necessary.

Who should attend: Government employees and those who serve them and anyone interested in using more powerful search capabilities and innovative uses of Drupal. This will mostly be an nontechnical session.

Schedule info
Session Info
Government, Nonprofit, and Education
Experience level: 