Drupal of Things - make Drupal the back-end for your next "Internet of Things" project
The buzzword "Internet of Things" is not just a hype, it is something that happens right now whether you like it or not, and we all use it already, when we track our orders online, when we order pizza, or when we go out for a run.
Everybody (well, Belkin, Cisco, Intel...) wants to grab this hype, want to build the platform, and want to control the data derived from those "things". They all share one important concept - they are not open, and far from being open sourced.
Another important fact - each "thing" developer talks about interoperability, but "their" interoperability, which in the end keeps each of the players to play by themselves.
"Drupal of Things" is a Drupal startup (well, Dries asked for some in his keynote in Australia, so here we are...) that aims to create an open source platform based on Drupal (and mainly on Android) to allow creation of smart-but-simple "Internet of Things" applications/systems using as-standard-as-possible Drupal tools - Rules, Views, Services, GCM and few others.
While a lot is still unclear, and the path is long, we alrady provide important building blocks of the system, and already have some basic PoCs alive.
In this session we wil not try to convience why (or why not) Drupal is the right tool for "Internet of Things" - we will "just" demo it, and show its strength live (considering proper Internet connectivity...).
Just few relevant links:
The internet of things is going to need its own Android-like project
The Internet of Things controlled by smartphone
Rob van Kranenburg: The ‘Thing’ Backend is getting ready
Hoping this session will explain the difference/s between "Things" and "Thingies" ;-)
As someone currently working on how to turn on and off the pins on an Arduino from Drupal, I will definitely be at this talk !
This is my favourite hobby subject - would love to hear more so would be there. Admittedly it may be a niche subject for big old Drupalcon but it has my attention :-)