Easy Theme Development Using Context Layouts (And Fewer Templates)

Drupal lets you template just about everything: html, page, block, comment, form, field, etc... and you can often have templates that apply only to specific conditions: per region, per page, per url, per content type. This gives us a lot of options, but it can also give us a lot of templates to keep track of, particularly when we need to begin overwriting templated for each section of a site: per content type, per site section, per individual pages, per adaptive/responsive conditions, etc. Imagine a site with ten section, each of which displays ten content types. Everything gets its own template, even though they may all reflect the same structure.

There is a better way.

In this session I will show you how to use Context and Context Layouts to decrease both the number of templates you use to reproduce designers' mockups for sites with complex structures and the amount of time needed to implement your theme.

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