Efficiency in Design: How to do Shit Tons of Comps without Killing yourself
In my experience in working with Drupal Developers in the last ten years, I hear one thing over and over again: "Do you have a comp for that?"
While part of me wants to go crazy and say "No, I don't have a comp for that", the other nicer part of me has spent the last 4 years figuring out the fastest most efficient way possible to deliver quick high quality comps so that I can be an excellent collaborator with our amazing developers
I've honed specific techniques and skills, some of which I've discussed in previous blogs and talks about the Template Approach, that have enabled the Chapter Three's team to designer faster, stronger, and better.
I'll share some top level strategy tactics which lay the ground work for successful design and then dive deeper into the nitty gritty production tactics.
Nica can explain the shit out of things. This'll be great.