Make Drupal fly with smart configurations and caching.
Drupal can be the ROCK STAR of speed and performance if well configured and hosted properly!
If your Drupal site is acting slow, this session is for you.
Discover the best performance practices we use on Acquia Cloud.
Learn some top notch Caching tricks that make Drupal tremendously fast, even on very cheap hardware. Save some money on expensive hosting and use it to improve your site.
We will discuss:
Page and Block caching importance, Op code caching, Memcache bins, Varnish (Proxy caching), the Boost module, CSS/JS compression, theme optimization tricks, selective cron runs, no sessions for anonymous users, Apache Maxclients and mod_deflate, memory optimizations, InnoDB (Mysql) Optimizations, Query caching, Indexes, content delivery network (CDN) and Filesystem optimizations.
Also a "before flight - checklist" on what you need to fix prior going live:
The fast404 module, Dblog/syslog, Devel module, the authcache module, Theme developer, memory limits on PHP and APC, the statistics module and external statistics. Load test all of this with very simple tools and see your visitors go up while enjoying the speed of Drupal.
We challenge everyone to bring their slowest sites in and we will discuss some specific solutions for it.
This looks like an awesome session! Since you plan on covering technologies that are outside of Drupal (Varnish, MemCache), I'd recommend moving your session to the DevOps track.