The Psychology of Qualification: Identifying Truly Rewarding Projects

Most of us have heard of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs at some point in our life. It's a theory of human motivation which posits that humans seek to satisfy certain basic needs (like food, water, shelter) before ascending to seek more advanced and complex needs (like friendship, self-esteem, and creativity). Coincidentally, it provides an excellent model for how Drupal shops can qualify a new project!

This talk will take Maslow's Hierarchy and apply it to the various factors involved in selling a complex Drupal engagement. Whether it's weighing a project's risk against attractive commercial terms, or weighing good publicity vs. onerous legal terms; this session sorts through the factors Drupal shops should evaluate when qualifying new work, and aims to prioritize what REALLY matters to sustainable, rewarding client relationships.

Speaking through examples, I'll explore how some of the things Drupal shops find inherently attractive in new projects can in fact be hiding the true measure of their success or failure, and how some of the things that aren't attractive can provide leverage for a more rewarding engagement.

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Business + Strategy
Experience level: 