Quick & Dirty Guide to Drush and Devel

Alot of developers use devel (to clear the cache on their sites) and drush (to clear the cache on their sites), but these tools are amazingly handy in all kinds of ways. The problem is that lots of newer (and some older) Drupal devs aren't really using them. If you are only clearing cache and throwing out some dpm()s, then this session is for you.

This is a bootcamp-style session - we will be looking at some quick and dirty applications of the devel and drush tools in real work situations. You will be encouraged to follow along. Some of the things we will look at:
- Dpm - whats that variable/array/object
- Devel php - for running, testing, and writing code
- Variable editor - editing and retrieving site variables
- Theme registry magic
- Backtrace - wha?
- Query logs and site profiling
- Quick site updates
- Common command line tips - Drush to the rescue
- Plenty more...

In each case, we will quickly learn what the purpose of each tool is, but (more importantly) we will go through a real life example of how that can be used to save you time, solve your problems... and sometimes save your bacon.

Feel free to follow along on your own remote or local dev site - please have Drush and Devel installed.

Schedule info
Session Info
Coding + Development
Experience level: 