Security Secrets of Drupal
OK, so they aren't actually secrets, but they might as well be if you don't understand the security layer that Drupal provides. This session will cover most of the security features at the application level built into Drupal itself. Drupal offers a robust set of tools for both the administrator and developer to keep sites secure, but these tools are only useful when you know how to use them correctly.
This session will cover, but not be limited to:
For site builders and administrators
- User roles and permissions
- Text Formats
- Module Selection
- Security patches/updates
- Images and Media
- Login Security
For developers
- Input Filters
- Forms
- Database Queries
- User Access
- URLs
I was going to propose a "Keep your Drupal site from getting hacked or spammed to death" session, aimed at Site Builders. Looks like you have it covered, though. :)