The Swiss Army Knife of Drupal Project Planning: The CivicActions Project Framework
Every Drupal project is a solution to a client problem and the beauty of Drupal is its flexibility in solving problems. As a wise project architect once said, “There are many paths to the top of the mountain.” With so many options to solving unique challenges, it can be inefficient to approach every custom development challenge from scratch. So at CivicActions, we’ve created what we affectionately call the CivicActions Project Framework. Using Trello as the medium, the Project Framework is a comprehensive delineation of the strategies, approach, tools, and common challenges, risks and constraints we’ve faced in our many years of developing custom, quality Drupal sites for our clients. We’re excited to share this ultimate project planning resource with the Drupal Community.
previous project management tools released from civicactions have been quite helpful to the rest of the community, so I'm excited to see the "full framework". This could be a really massive amount of content to cover though, so it would be helpful if an outline of what will be covered was provided.