Too Much and Never Enough: What is the Content Curation Cure for Drupal?

Why is Pandora the most popular way to listen to music online, and the number one competitor to NPR? Because it can guess what you want, when you want it, using information you and the broader community provide or “curate”. NPR orchestrates a beautiful, linear presentation of content, whereas Pandora shifts and adapts based on your mood and shared preferences. Smart technology can serve up the exact content you need better than more traditional communications models, and users have begun to prefer a model where they don’t have to think or make any decision at all.

We live in an on-demand world, where people expect their content to be delivered just how they like without even having to think about it. Technology is always at our fingertips, and we’ve become increasingly conditioned to receiving immediate satisfaction without even having to push a button. The old adage that “Content is King” is more important than ever.

For organizations to stay ahead of the curve, meet their audiences where they are, and provide exactly what they want, content strategy and intelligent curation is key - along with a solid technology infrastructure. This interactive session will explore the importance of content strategy, how content curation
helps us serve up quality content to our users that keeps them coming back, and the ways in which Drupal is empowering organizations to better curate content. As Drupal is inherently a part of the community, together we’ll also brainstorm new ways to address this constantly evolving challenge.

Who Should Attend This Session

  • Content enthusiasts who want to understand the ways in which Drupal can strategically serve content
  • Developers and themers who are eager to grow the solution base for products that serve content in less linear and "smarter" ways
  • Project managers who desire a more comprehensive understanding of how content and Drupal can work in harmony
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Session Info
User Experience (UX)
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