Using LoadStorm And Other Tools To Stress Out Your Drupal Website
We all know that Varnish is the default answer for performance, but what happens when you have to flush cache? LoadStorm provides a quick, cheap, and easy way to slam your Drupal site with thousands of instances of cloud generated traffic. We'll take a look at the results and how to analyze the numbers. We'll also review other tools and high level principles for improving performance on your site.
This session will answer questions such as:
- What are some of the available tools to quickly stress test your site?
- How does LoadStorm work and when to use it?
- What are key statistics and how to interpret them during stress testing?
- What can generally be done to improve Drupal site performance?
- Front-end performance
- Server performance
This was a pretty cool session from what I saw of it. Hopefully it gets chosen for Portland and I can catch the entire thing. :-)
I saw this at BADCamp and it was a good session.