UX Roadmap to the Issue Queue Revolution

As a follow up to the proposed session “UX Case: Love and Hate in The Issue Queue Garden” we are proposing a Core Conversation that would lay out a possible roadmap that could revolutionize the impact and effectiveness of the Issue Queue in the community.

Why is this important? As the primary mechanism for driving the evolution of Drupal, the Issue Queue must be an effective communication and participatory tool. The problem, however, is that the Issue Queue is like a cluster of isolated islands of concern that, to the uninitiated, are surrounded by the UX equivalent of shark infested waters.

The consequence of this significant UX obstacle is that many sectors of the community (particularly non-technical members) are, to varying degrees, excluded from the process.

Looking at this as a UX matter, we will present a plan for bridging the many islands that form the Issue Queue. We will suggest specific, actionable improvements that we believe could empower *everyone* who wants to help evolve the Drupal platform.

Schedule info
Session Info
Core Conversations
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