Validate cheap and quick: lean prototyping and user testing
So you’re improving or building a website or product, but how do you know you’re doing it right? In this talk, we’ll outline simple, quick and cheap ways to prototype and test.
This process is applicable to both big (think Google) and small (think startup) organizations. Validating what you’re building is a key to building a successful product in any setting. You might think that user testing takes plenty of money and lots of time. Yes, it can but it doesn’t have to.
Your lack of money and time is not only OK, it’s better. We all need to get into the habit of validating our designs, features, and implementations. There isn’t any reason this has to take weeks (or even days), and lots of money (or even any money). The sooner you validate or invalidate an assumption, the sooner you’re able to build something that is really valuable to your users.
You’ll walk away from this session with a defined toolkit for validating your site or product quickly and cheaply.