Drupal 8 and Symfony: All you need to Rock!
Drupal 8 has replaced several fundamental pieces with fresh components from Symfony2. Do you want to learn how to make awesome sites by leveraging these new pieces into your modules?
This course will show you how to make the most of Symfony Components in your everyday Drupal development. We will explain what Symfony is, why it was chosen and discuss each component that has been included in Drupal 8 (as of the time of the training).
- Twig - the new template engine for Drupal 8
- Dependency Injection
- Autoloader
- Http Kernel
- Routing
- EventDispatcher
This introduction to Symfony and the principles involved, will set the ground for looking at the how it can help Drupal development on a day to day level. We will show how to implement Symfony Components to improve custom module development.
Building on the principles learned, a hands-on coding session will give attendees a chance to create an example custom module. This is a chance for developers to dive in with a hands on approach to learn about about these incredibly powerful new tools.
After attendees have become more familiar with the Symfony components, they will learn how to integrate 3rd party components into their projects. This can effectively double or triple the number of tools available to developers to deliver truly amazing projects!
Learning Objectives
You will learn:
- which Symfony Components will be bundled with Drupal 8 and why
- how to use symfony components in custom modules
- PSR-0, namespacing and autoloading
- Using Composer package manager
- How to integrate additional (non-core) Symfony components
- Developing decoupled and reusable code
Course Prerequisites
This course is for those already familiar with Drupal development. We will be using object oriented programming techniques, so familiarity with PHP classes and namespacing will be a bonus.
Don't forget to bring your personal laptop with you. It should be configured with similar or equal to:
- The IDE or text editor of your preference
- A running local site built with a fresh copy of Drupal 8
- Git
- Drush
Power and internet access will be provided.
Target Audience
Developers and Solution Architects - anyone who wants to learn how to leverage Symfony2 components within Drupal 8.
Meet the Trainers
Piers Warmers is a long term enthusiastic advocate for modern Open Source technologies and is an expert in the field of enterprise PHP projects. Having worked with Symfony Framework for over six years, he enjoys using this knowledge building custom applications and their supporting systems. Piers has more than 12 years of technology experience with a background ranging from Java to Ruby and has recently become involved in the Drupal community.
Ryan Cross has been a technology consultant for over 17 years and has been working on the web for over 14 years. Involved in the Drupal community for over 7 years, Ryan is well known and respected for his work with the content management framework and other open source projects in the community. He has been championing the Sydney Drupal community for almost 5 years and sharing what he learns on a regular basis.
Geoffrey Roberts is an internationally experienced creative professional with over 8 years of excellence under his belt. With over 4 years of experience working with Drupal, he is able to blend his backend knowledge with an interactive front end to deliver fully immersive experiences for users.
Course Information
Experience Level: Intermediate
Drupal Version: Drupal 8.x
Company: CrossFunctional
Instructor(s): Piers Warmers (piers.warmers), Ryan Cross (rcross), Geoffrey Roberts (geoffreyr)
This training is sold out
This course will not have a waitlist. If you want to try to get into this course we recommend showing up Monday, May 20 at 8:00am and checking to see if there are any cancellations.