Level up your Themer
What level themer are you? Ever wanted to upgrade your skill set and take your theming beyond your comfort zone?
In this course we'll start you off at the ground floor of Drupal 7 Theming and work our way towards becoming theming super heroes. We will walk you through the basic concepts necessary to start on your custom theme adventure. We'll then teach you the tools you need including basic php to implement your vision. Throughout the day we will demonstrate common pitfalls and how to work your way through them. You'll leave day 1 feeling empowered with new found abilities to control layout and add custom functionality via the theme. You'll walk away with a theme built from scratch and learn how to use a foundation provided by thousands of other of Drupal themers.
Course Prerequisites
No knowledge of PHP is required, but a willingness to learn and elementary understanding of programming languages is a necessity. Proficiency in CSS and HTML are required for theming, but only an understanding is required for this workshop. Experience with Drupal configuration and use of contributed modules/themes is helpful for understanding the concepts of theme development.
Target Audience
Site Builders who want to learn to theme!
Meet the Trainers
Meghan loves to help new people learn Drupal. Her training background began in social justice work when she traveled the world doing workshops on open-source technology for Fair Trade activists. In a commitment to helping new people bridge the Drupal learning curve, she regularly offers sessions for beginners at Drupal Camps and meet-ups. She has been working in Drupal since 2007, and is passionate about theming and responsive design.
Mark built his first Drupal site in 2006, and has developed a wide variety of sites for clients ever since. He organizes the San Francisco Drupal Users Helping Users group which meets once a month to help both new and experienced users get better at using Drupal. He also maintains several modules on drupal.org and tries to contribute fixes to a wider variety of projects as well.
Mark, Meghan and Anthony are very experienced trainers, having trained extensively for Chapter Three in both public and private settings.
Course Information
Experience Level: Intermediate
Drupal Version: Drupal 7.x
Company: Chapter Three
Instructor(s): Meghan Sweet (mksweet), Mark Ferree (mrf), Anthony Riberi (Stanto)
This training is sold out
This course will not have a waitlist. If you want to try to get into this course we recommend showing up Monday, May 20 at 8:00am and checking to see if there are any cancellations.