
I am a Senior Commercial Buildings Research Engineer at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the Analysis Tools & Controls Section. Over the last ten years I have worked on integrating conventional building analysis workflows with computer technologies. I have written several applications to help analyze building data, optimize building energy consumption through whole building energy simulation, and tools to manage millions of simulations running on high performance computing clusters.
I enjoy commercial building engineering, energy efficiency, programming, databases, web applications, and client application development. I am interested in large-scale analyses to help reduce our nations energy consumption in commercial buildings through codes & standards, tools, and education. I like compilers, but I really like interpretive languages. Accessible and open data is a must and data must be citable, contain provenance, and have integrity. Web applications are the wave of the future and the commercial building sector is behind the curve. I write scripts automate everything.
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- 1 year 5 months