
I take pride in the fact that I am not simply a web developer, but also a content manager, data miner, audio engineer, system administrator, videographer, archivist, database administrator, computer technician, web interface designer, technical trainer, and project manager.
Aside from my work at the Area of Learning Resources at Berklee College of Music, I also run my own audio recording business. I specialize in remote / location recording and have primarily worked in the orchestral world; though I do not limit myself to that genre alone. I have worked on events as small as 1 person solo performance to full symphony orchestra recording (under the contract of either my personal company or as a hired engineer for other companies).
In the end, I just enjoy being creative. Anything and everything that has a creative aspect appeals to me. I am a passionate and driven, whether I am writing music or designing a new website.
Music Performance, Audio Engineering, Remote Recording, Audio Recording, Music Production, Video Editing, Audio for Film / Video, XML, HTML, Javascript, CSS, PHP, SQL, MySQL, PostGreSql, Flash, ActionScript
- Member for
- 1 year 3 months