Composer: Using external libraries in your modules
Drupal 8 has a whole new philosophy of "proudly developed elsewhere" with the addition of Symfony2 components and numerous other PHP libraries via Composer. Composer is a external PHP library dependency manager, written by the authors of Symfony2, and the tool used to make all of these external libraries work together in Drupal 8 core in a harmonious way.
How do we make the most of this approach in our contributed modules?
In this session I will discuss a new style of development, which promotes well structured, documented, and tested libraries that are shared and re-used within Drupal contrib, and across the rest of the PHP open source community. And we don't need to wait for Drupal 8, we can start now.
In this session I will cover:
- How composer dependency management works
- How to structure you module code to re-use existing libraries with composer
- How to refactor your module code into re-usable libraries and share them
Sounds like important information for anyone planning to develop modules for D8.
This is stuff people are going to need to know - Drupal can no longer be an island and properly integrating with external libraries is a key skill to learn after you've passed the more standard Drupal hurdles.