Automated Testing in Drupal
Automated testing saves time. Thorough test coverage prevents regressions, improves software design and stability, and allows code to be refactored with confidence. An automated test suite has been a part of Drupal core since Drupal 7, and it plays a critical role in Drupal's development cycle. Learn the basics of automated testing, and how you can add tests for custom projects, contributed modules, and Drupal core.
This session will:
- Explain the importance of automated testing in software development.
- Introduce Drupal's automated testing system and explain how automated tests are run.
- Provide some tips for taking advantage of the testbots.
- Describe the structure of a Drupal automated test, the basics of test writing, and best practices.
- Explain the role of automated testing in the Drupal patch review and acceptance process.
- Identify current and future directions for automated testing in Drupal, and how we can take better advantage of unit tests in Drupal 8.
Not sure how significant this portion will be, but I'm especially interested in learning how best to employ testing in modules, either intended for contrib or custom modules built specifically for a client site.
I will definitely be at this one, especially interested in the future directions of automated testing.
I want to see this!
This session needs to be on the schedule because stable, reliable unit tests are one of the cornerstones of a healthy open source project. To omit this from the schedule is to discourage the growth of Drupal.
Super important topic and two great presenters. Sign me up.
Oh yes, I would love to learn more. Automated testing for Drupal sites has been on my to-do list for years. Save me from my own mistakes robot!
+1 from me! I'd love to see this :)
I'd enjoy this session thoroughly.