Blocks & Layouts Initiative Update
Blocks & Layouts Initiative has gotten a number of major features into core at this point. Come take a tour of the new features, see how these things are going to work together, and examples of tools that can be built using them.
Get an overview of:
- Plugins in Core
- Contextual Plugins
- Block Plugins
- Condition Plugins
- Entity Wizards and more.
Plugins in Core
The plugin system was added as part of the foundations of "Blocks and Layouts" and has broader implications for the rest of Drupal. A lot of subsystems within Drupal are leveraging it at this point and it's worthy of a short introduction.
Contextual Plugins
Contextual plugins really amp up the power of the plugin system and allow existing plugin systems to leverage pre-existing data within a site in order to augment a plugin.
Block Plugins
The block system has gotten a significant overhaul in D8 providing block plugins instead of a series of disconnected hooks. This will be a big focal point of the discussion and we will discuss what block plugins look like now, what block plugins currently exist and where this will likely end up before release.
Condition Plugins
Assuming we get this committed, we'll spend some time discussing condition plugins and how they and block plugins work together, how they an be leveraged separately from block plugins and hopefully some examples of them being used elsewhere.
Entity Wizards
Drupal has never had a really easy to use multistep form wizard and the Entity Wizard answers that problem in a big way. Leveraging entity form controllers and tempstore, the wizard provides a very simple mechanic for scripting form controllers together to create a new entity, or perform tasks that could updated an entity with new data.
All in all there is much to discuss and learn. If we have extra time there will be a Q&A session about where we are, and what goals of the initiative were met for the Drupal 8 cycle, and which ones will have to be in contrib.
This one has to be selected.
Drupal 8 is so close! Great inside information here, and in EclipseGc's other D8 session: