Different Ways to control your layout
Click here to watch Different Ways to control your layout.
There are several options in selecting your page layout in Drupal. There are many advantages and disadvantages to each of the methods. Selecting the best one for your site can be one of the most technical important decisions for your project.
- Panels
- Context
- Single Page Node (block references/template field/beans)
- Display Suite
We've gathered a few of the leading minds in the different layout solutions in Drupal to talk about how these different solutions can benefit your site.
- Kris Vanderwater - EclipseGc (http://drupal.org/user/61203)
Kris is a maintainer of ctools primarily with page manager. He is one of the leading minds in implementing panels and leading the D8 blocks everywhere initiative. - Kristof De Jaeger - swentel (http://drupal.org/user/107403)
Kirstof is the creator and lead maintainer of Display Suite. He has been a thought leader in innovative way to control your page layout with only using the UI. - Chris Johnson (CJ) - tekante (http://drupal.org/user/640024)
CJ is a maintainer for context and has used it extensively on projects in both the Drupal 6 and Drupal 7 versions. He has written about using context to modify views and was involved with the project to revamp the inline editor. - Matt Cheney - populist (http://drupal.org/user/58600)
Matt is the lead maintainer of the Panopoly distribution and a longtime community evangelist for the Panels/Panelizer universe. - Brian McMurray - bmcmurray (http://drupal.org/user/66162)
Brian is a maintainer and co-creator of the template_field module. He enjoys the single page node layout methodology and has implemented it on several enterprise platforms.
The panel will be moderated by Frank Febbraro - febbraro (http://drupal.org/user/43670), CTO of Phase2.
This is a follow up to the session we did at Drupalcon Munich http://munich2012.drupal.org/program/sessions/different-ways-control-you....
i liked the munich panel very much! any updates in particular that would differentiate this session from the former?
@dasjo, we will be more organized and there will be more compare and contrasting between the different solutions.
This panel looks FANTASTIC. I've used not a few of these technologies, some in depth, and look forward to hearing more about them all.
These are definitely the right group of folks to talk about this topic. :) Sounds like it'd be interesting.
team zesiou will be present...