Getting Twiggy with it
Twig is a flexible template engine for PHP which helps make templates readable by a front-end developer. It's also the template engine which will be coming bundled with Drupal 8. In this talk we look to discuss Twig, how it integrates with Drupal, and some of the advantages and disadvantages it provides.
Would love to see this session!
Would very much like to see a comparison between this and existing (D7) templating - how are they different, how do you accomplish an example set of tasks in each, etc. And why is this new way better?
+1 I'd really like to see this session, being fairly new to Drupal itself I haven't been able to look too far into D8. It would be great to hear an overview on Twig so I can get a peek at what's ahead.
Ditto to what everyone above me said...