The Many Layouts of Drupal: Panels, Display Suite, Context, and Friends
In Drupal, we often have the blessing and curse of flexibility, allowing us to get the same “result” in a myriad of ways. This is no exception for laying out our pages!
This session will give an overview of several popular ways to do layouts in Drupal 7 as well as take a peek at what is coming up in Drupal 8. We will cover:
- Theme regions and blocks
- Template files (*.tpl.php)
- Context
- Panels
- Display Suite
- Delta
- Drupal 8 Layouts Initiative
An overview of each layout technique will be presented along with pros, cons, tips, and tricks. We’ll also discuss when it makes sense to combine forces for maximum layout flexibility.
Here are some similar proposals:
Different Ways to control your layout:
Laying it all out with Panels, Display Suite, Views and Context: