Project Management Tools and Organization
As many Drupal development firms continue to evolve and mature, we often run into many management issues involved with the growing pains. One of the biggest of those issues is effective and efficient project management. In this session, we will discuss tools and processes to use throughout the development project and beyond, as well as best practices to help your organization go and stay agile. We will delve into Redmine as an example of a highly flexible, open source project management tool for supporting agile development and support.
We will cover tools in the following categories:
- Communication and collaboration
- Internal processes
- Client reporting
- Ticketing and task management for development and support
This session is intended for principals, project managers, and team leaders at Drupal development firms. It is also helpful for client organizations who want to learn about the type of collaboration and visibility they should have with their projects.
Is this the same presentation shown at the PM tools bof in DrupalCon Sydney? I think this presentation might be more helpful if it provided more of a survey of tools and a little less focus on the features of redmine being utilised.
Always interested in new project management tools, although I agree that I'm more interested in general ideas/suggestions rather than focusing on one tool.