Relaunching The New Republic with Drupal 7 |
xmattus, joshk, netaustin |
The New Republic launched their new Drupal 7 site on January 28th, 2013 with an exclusive interview of President Obama, and was featured in the New York Times, Huffington Post, and ABC News and... |
Intermediate |
Coding + Development |
The Four Pillars of Data |
dianadupuis, StevenWill |
As Drupal moves beyond "content publishing" and towards "content as data", are you managing data to its full potential? Are you storing content, but should you be proving systems to develop... |
Beginner |
Business + Strategy |
Drupal + Open Source ERP Business Solutions = Grow Your World |
marketing_xTuple, tahoeob, artsmithmedia |
A prospect asks to redesign their website. They want e-commerce functionality, credit card processing, and the ability to track stock levels of their inventory. Not simple, but definitely doable. You... |
Intermediate |
Business + Strategy |
The Many Ways Aegir Can Help Your Business |
ergonlogic |
The Aegir Hosting System is the only fully free and open source distributed provisioning system for Drupal. It allows you to manage anywhere from a few sites for a single organization, to thousands... |
Intermediate |
Business + Strategy |
Data Reporting in Real-Time via Drupal |
StevenWill, dianadupuis |
Do your clients want more data analysis, but your reporting is too slow? Are you wondering how to extend Drupal’s schema structure and data storage to boost performance? Have your Drupal... |
Intermediate |
Coding + Development |
DrupalCon Sao Paulo: Lessons to be learned when building community |
franz, develCuy, barraponto, revagomes, Mac_Weber, nickvidal |
DrupalCon São Paulo was going to be the first DrupalCon in the southern continent, and the first to happen outside the US-Europe axis. Such a ground-breaking idea could not happen in a less... |
Beginner |
Community |
Healthy Drupal 7 Upgrades: A Case Study of upgrading County |
jennjohnson, setvik |
Are you considering a major Drupal upgrade? Forum One will present lessons learned from our recent Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 migration of a complex, data-driven website – County Health Rankings... |
Intermediate |
Business + Strategy |
Building mobile application with Drupal backend |
VladimirAus |
Ever wanted to build mobile application based on your website structure?
Or use your Drupal website as a service for your next mobile project?
Create mobile applications using power of the most... |
Intermediate |
Site Building |
Deliver Great Client Training Through Video - a Process for Designers |
rodOST |
Delivering that shiny new Drupal site to the client is a great feeling! You're proud of the work, the design, the flexibility it gives them to manage their own site. You're ready to move on to the... |
Beginner |
Site Building |
From Drupal Hater to Drupal Core Contributor: 6 Stages of Drupal Addiction |
caiovlp |
Becoming a Drupal Core Contributor is an awesome personal achievement, but it doesn't come without a cost. There are some emotional stages one must go through before becoming really hooked on Drupal... |
Beginner |
Community |
Solr and Search API - Get Better Results Now |
robeano, cgreenoh, becw |
DevsBuild.It, the services site for the Application Developers Alliance trade association, is a great example of Solr and Search API integration.
The Application Developers Alliance is a trade... |
Intermediate |
Site Building |
The biggest Drupal Commerce project ever done |
Damien Tournoud, Artusamak, laurentchardin |
We will share the knowledge we have acquired while building the most challenging Drupal Commerce implementation ever.
This project, the ecommerce store-front of a leading jewellery and watch... |
Beginner |
Coding + Development |
Connecting your data with a graph database |
michael.hunger, iKlaus |
Leveraging connected data is becoming more and more important in the development of today’s modern web applications – as demonstrated by, for example, Facebook’s recent release of ‘Graph Search.’... |
Beginner |
Coding + Development |
Theme a System (™) |
beeradb, mortendk |
A technical usecase with outragious stories... |
Intermediate |
Frontend |
Angry Themer - still angry! |
mortendk |
A guide to surviving as a progressive Themer in the world of Drupal. Where backend and nested arrays is King and frontend is treated as something about colors, fontsize... |
Intermediate |
Frontend |
High-Performance Drupal: Server Architecture |
rgristroph |
A basic overview of the standard "best practices" server architecture for Drupal (the "Mercury stack") will be covered, as well as extending it to clusters of servers. We will discuss evolutions... |
Intermediate |
DevOps |
Managing Your Content's Life Cycle using Workflow and Rules |
eric.lotze |
Moving content through all of its necessary stops on the way to publication in Drupal can be a mysterious and complex process. Drupal core provides a "published or unpublished" switch for each node,... |
Beginner |
Business + Strategy |
How to Connect Drupal to the Real World |
rgristroph |
This presentation will cover a number of ways Drupal can interface to the "real world", meaning the world beyond it's database and the browser page. Reading data from a variety of sensors using the... |
Beginner |
Coding + Development |
Text Lacks Empathy |
noirin |
Have you ever written a nice friendly email and gotten a reply that seems like they read a terrifying rant?
In Open Source communities we write to each other all the time, but we’re not really... |
Beginner |
Community |
Writing Documentation for Fun and Profit! |
noirin |
When all else fails, write the manual!
Too many open source projects operate on the assumption that, since your users have access to the source code, they can figure out what your software does... |
Beginner |
Community |