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Session Title beejeebus Description Intermediate DevOps
Best Practices for Managing Drupal Development Teams schiavone, valthebald Drupal team members come from different areas of expertise, design, theming, configuring and programming. With such a diverse array of talents team wrangling a fine art. In this session we'll... Intermediate DevOps
Puppet on Drupal Servers - Casestudies bernd_weber This presentation is part of a series coordinated with Puppetlabs' Ben Ford and Michael Hall about the use of Puppet on Drupal servers. This particular presentation will show a higher level view of... Beginner DevOps
Jenkins DevOps in an Afternoon rgristroph You will learn how to install Jenkins, use it to automatically backup Drupal sites, promote changes from development to staging to production, roll back failed changes, and perform some simple... Intermediate DevOps
Fast Local Development + Pantheon + Drush = Kalabox pirog We will discuss the various local and on-server Drupal development environments that are currently available and how readily available/free/open source local development environments have fallen... Intermediate DevOps
Let’s Talk about Launch: Planning and Prep for better launches, migrations, and releases amye, CrystalWilliams Two veteran hosting and development PMs break down the critical things you need to know to get through your first website launches with satisfied clients, a happy team and your own sanity. These are... Intermediate DevOps
Building a huge content sharing network using Domain Access aburrows So you have multiple websites and you want to share content and users across multiple domains? But wait you want it to be simple and managed from one domain? Well you could use multisite, but that... Intermediate DevOps
The Voice of Switzerland: How to handle 5000 visits per second (How to sleep without the server-crash-fear) Schnitzel Hosting small to medium-sized Drupal sites isn't typically a big challenge. But what about large sites where up-time is business-critical for a customer? How should we as Drupal sys admins best... Intermediate DevOps
DevShop: The Open-Source Drupal Environment Manager Jon Pugh DevShop is a Drupal environment manager, meaning it helps you create and manage multiple environments for each of your Drupal projects. DevShop has a full-featured front-end project and drupal... Intermediate DevOps
Five Tools For Better PHP Development lornajane Drupal has some great tools, and your process already includes drush, so what else is out there? This talk comes to you from the mainstream PHP community, covering the tools that help the speed and... Beginner DevOps
Scalability and high-performance: Lessons learned from hosting the largest Drupal sites on Acquia Cloud ricardoamaro The world of Drupal grows faster in each passing day! Large companies, especially in media, entertainment and services, seek for solutions on rapid and reliable development for the web. There... Intermediate DevOps
Reverse caching proxies: Varnish or Nginx? ThijsFeryn In a world full of scalability challenges, a reverse caching proxy has become an essential tool to protect your backend servers. This talk is dedicated to that and compares Varnish to Nginx as the 2... Intermediate DevOps
The Voice of Switzerland: How to handle 5000 visits per second (How to sleep without the server-crash-fear) Schnitzel Hosting small to medium-sized Drupal sites isn't typically a big challenge. But what about large sites where up-time is business-critical for a customer? How should we as Drupal sys admins best... Intermediate DevOps
Know where the fire is (Monitoring Drupal Sites) mjh2901 Drupal shops often grow organically with staff members providing their own support. Monitoring the status of a site or equipment is often not in the equation. How can we provide monitoring and... Intermediate DevOps
DIY Continuous Integration generalredneck, craychee You know what Continuous Integration is. You have heard it mentioned at every camp and at every meetup. It’s part automated testing, part automated deployment, part Test-driven development, part... Advanced DevOps
DevOps 101: building a development environment for a Drupal shop ohthehugemanatee, MatthewS Do you know someone who's starting their own Drupal shop? Have they asked you for help yet? Around the world, individual Drupalists are starting their own consulting firms. Just take a look at... Beginner DevOps
Being Devops Cultured: Building Tools to Empower Teams & Share Culture in FOSS Communities patcon It's way too easy to get flamboyantly excited about all the shiny new tools and accompanying buzz-words that are emerging from the devops realm -- Configuration management tools like Puppy... Intermediate DevOps
Lowering barriers to upstream contribution: A simple git-subtree workflow for managing Drupal modules ezheidtmann Keeping track of the source history for a large Drupal site is hard. With core, contrib modules, themes, custom modules, and perhaps even a few patches to contrib modules, it quickly becomes... Intermediate DevOps
Drupal DevOps on Windows Azure: Tools, Tips, and Examples brianbenz In this session we’ll show you options for deployment, configuring, upgrades, source control integration when working with Drupal on Windows Azure. Prepare for lots of working examples, tips and... Beginner DevOps
Organizing your git workflow with "Git Flow" remydenton, amanire "Git Flow" is a system for organizing branches in git. If you haven't heard of it, you should start by reading developer Vincent Driessen's article that first introduced it: Intermediate DevOps
