DevShop: The Open-Source Drupal Environment Manager
DevShop is a Drupal environment manager, meaning it helps you create and manage multiple environments for each of your Drupal projects.
DevShop has a full-featured front-end project and drupal environment management interface with features similar to drupal-platform-as-a-service hosting.
Built on Aegir, DevShop is powered by Drupal and Drush, and is fully open sourced, so you can build your own infrastructure on the servers of your choice.
This presentation will be an extension and a refinement of the one given at the Drupal NYC meetup on February 6th. It will give an overview of the tool and its dependencies, a quick guide to installation, and a quick guide to features and usage patterns.
For more information see
This looks really interesting. I hadn't heard of DevShop before but I'd love to find out more.
I've begun using DevShop recently, and I'm very impressed. I look forward to seeing a presentation by the developers themselves.
This should be a good presentation! The DevShop platform is very powerful and solves a number of pain points in deploying Drupal sites. My team used it on a number of projects (in fact, working directly with Jon, the presenter) and it allowed them to meet some incredibly short deadlines while still following best practices for team-based development and deployment without going crazy.
I will want to attend this.