Managing Big Data with Drupal
Are you ready to implement policy based on data, but are astounded by the size and complexity of the dataset? Have you wanted a framework to build web-accessible data visualization, but didn't know where to begin? From the programmer who architected and built "FleetDASH" -- the Fleet Sustainability Dashboard at -- this session will show you the best practices, pitfalls avoided and actual results from working with over 147 million data points (and growing), including geospatial data!
FleetDASH started with its sights set squarely on mandated targets and goals with Federal Energy Management Program support and transformed transactional data into actionable intelligence used by fleet managers and agency headquarters. This session will show how over 400,000 (and growing) unindexed transactions are processed each month using contributed modules like Feeds and Migrate. Building upon the power (and flexibility) of the Views module, the content is pivoted for display using a JavaScript library, Highcharts.
Development on the FleetDASH project has yielded new results from associated research at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory where expertise in data and database management was coupled with Drupal's capabilities and performance. The presenter is part of a dynamic team building tools such as the Alternative Fuels Data Center ( ) for reducing petroleum use and the Technology Performance Exchange (in development) for improving sustainable building practices.
I will definitely be at this one, it sounds like one of the bigger Drupal sites in terms of data that I have heard of.
I would love to do something like this with my site data (many thousands of nodes, comments, and users) so this sessions looks very interesting.
Thanks for the comment, rubyjj! I listed the presentation as "intermediate" in the targeted level, but I plan on talking about strategies to help all levels of Drupal users (with an emphasis on programming, as that's what I do)! If you have a pressing question, please feel free to post it here!